Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hi. You probably thought I died, or was abducted by aliens. The outer space kind, not the illegal kind. Although... that could happen too.

Well I wasn't. I've just been busy with Christmas-ness. Working retail this time of year is chaotic. I leave work completely frazzled (on my favorite word list) and exhausted. Not that I'm complaining, I'm more than grateful for any hours.

Anyway. So today has had a lot of Christmas-ness. My house is oozing all things Christmas. Christmas music has played nonstop. We have made Christmas candy, baked Christmas cakes, and wrapped Christmas presents. Plus, every single thing with Christmas lights is plugged in. Even my nails are Christmas-y. Because that is my mood.

Over all, I'm very satisfied with everything today contained. It was one of those days that required list making, and checking off. I was able to check off everything. Does anyone realize what an accomplishment this is for me??? HUGE. Oh... wait, not everything. I have one load of laundry left to do, but I couldn't do it because my dad turned the water off in order to fix a leak. So, that really isn't my fault.

Can I just say how fabulous consignment shops are? Way fabulous. I took clothes to Deja Vu in Tuscaloosa a few weeks ago, and called today to check on my account. Guess how much money I have waiting on me. Seventy dollars. That's how much. And, I still have seven items out on the floor. Who was excited? This girl. I will be going to Tuscaloosa first thing in the morning. And by first thing, I mean eleven-ish.

Did I mention I was excited? Just checking.

Does anyone have any suggestions for websites with free backgrounds and buttons?? I want some more options for cuteness. Please and thank you.


  1. I realize I switched subjects rather abruptly, but it made sense in my head because more money=christmas presents.

  2. I didn't even notice you swapped subjects that abruptly. You should but some silver sparkles on your nails to match your mood a little better. :)

  3. 9 days till xmas.i'm so happy X)

  4. Ha! All your comments are from family members.

  5. Amber, I am following your blog with my Yahoo account too. <3

  6. I likey your new background. Did you already go to Dejavu? 'Cause I want to go. Brandon loved your opening paragraph. He said it's the best thing he's read all year. (Probably the only thing...)
